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Home      History    CO's corner    Happenings     Pics    Service Log    Sea Stories    Navy links    About Me



This page will be used to update all you fellow Byrdians about updates to this site as well as
reunions and various events,both Byrd and Navy related.  If you are hosting an event and
would like it posted here, please email me at: Timtropolis@Mailcity.com

                          4/8/00 - I will be creating a "CO's" page which will feature all the captain's of the Byrd.  I have gotten some bios 
                                    from old cruise books and I thought it would be nice to have a section dedicated to those who commanded her.

                                    I have also been getting more snippets with regards to the Byrd timeline.  Anyone who has info with regards the
                                    ship's movements (ie cruisebooks, first hand knowledge) while they were on board, please pass them along.
                                    Once I get enough info, I will put the timeline online for all to view.

                                    With respect to the above, it has come to my attention from one of our shipmates (Bob Latham) that the Byrd 
                                    was the first ship to arrive on the scene when the USS Liberty was attacked during the 6 day war in 1967.  
                                    If anyone has some stories or more info with regards to the Byrd's involvement, please pass it along.   

                                    I have been getting a ton of photos in and am currently looking for a new home for the site.  Tripod only gives
                                    10 mb of space and I'm starting to approach that level now.  Some of the new photos are up on the Pics page,
                                    so check them out.

                          3/22/00 - Well alot of new things to report.  First I'd like to extend a hearty thanks to Ron Shawley for the latest batch
                                    of photos as well as the newsletter which I'm sure most of you have recieved.  If you haven't recieved it and 
                                    would like to get on the list, please email Ron at ron@lenzlink.net .   I will also post the latest newsletter here         
                                    every month for download.  Ron has also found out some more info with regards to the Byrd's status so you 
                                    might want to check out this months newsletter.  (You must have MS Publisher98 or better to view the newsletter)

                                                            Newsletter for March  -  (Publisher 98 version) 

                                    As for reunion info.. I have still not recieved any info regarding my previous post in December.  


                        12/24/99 - Greetings on this last Christmas eve of the century. I have recently come into contact with Len Gordon,
                                    publisher of the Adams Class newsletter. He has informed me that there is a tenative "Adams Class reunion"
                                    tenatively scheduled for June of next year in Buffalo, NY. The reunion is available to all those who served on
                                    Adams Class destroyers. I will be posting updates as they come in. If you would like to receive the Adams
                                    Class Destroyers newsletter, you can email Len directly at DDGgusboat@aol.com

                        11/15/99 - Greetings to all.   Well I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you guys for all the support and
                                    and encouragement for/about the website.  It's nice to know that I'm doing something that so many of
                                    you really appreciate.  Right now  I'm looking for the following:

                                            - Some more Sea stories and  more pics.
                                            - I'm still trying to finish the timeline mentioned in the History page.  Any info on the cruises/actions the
                                              Byrd was involved in will help out in making it a reality.

                                    The other thing that I have been asked is whether or not there are any Byrd reunions, etc.    I have not heard
                                    of any or know any groups who are having them.  If anyone is interested in holding such a reunion, please
                                    let me know so I can post the info here.